B12 vitamin injection

12 vitamin injections give you more energy, keep your immune system in balance, clear your mind and prevent memory loss, help you lose weight and digest food, speed up your metabolism, help you sleep better, and have been shown to prevent cancer.
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that helps the brain work well and makes red blood cells.
Among the most common signs and symptoms are:
A loss of brain function, such as problems with remembering or understanding
Lack of energy
Feeling Weak, Depressed, or Angry
Maintaining Balance
Sore, swollen tongue that may be pale yellow or very red.
Shaking in the chest
Mouth Sores
Paraesthesia (Pins and Needles) (Pins and Needles)
Changes in vision
Within a week
We recommend a B12 injection every month
- Bruising on injection site
- Itching at injection site
- Warmth
- Arm used for injection may feel slight pain for up to 30 minutes after treatment
- There is zero downtime with Vitamin B12 injections. You can return to normal activities right away.
Dermal fillers are commonly used to:
- Assist in heart disease, prevention
- Assist in neurocognitive disorder prevention
- Help with the coordination problems (Ataxia)
- Help with Peripheral Neuropathy
- Help prevent vision loss
- Infertility (although this usually resolves with B-12 treatment)
- Neural tube defects in the babies of women with B-12 deficiency
- Help with anaemia